Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Flea Season

Spring is almost here and it is the season for fleas, so make sure your pet is protected today! Great Bridge Veterinary Hospital recommends Trifexis and Vectra3D for canine companions and Revolution for feline friends to protect them against these pesky parasites. Please ask us how your pet can be “flea free” this season at your next visit.

Friday, March 2, 2012

If 'Pets Had Thumbs Day'

Tomorrow is 'If Pets Had Thumbs Day'. Imagine if your pet could play board games with you or start the car. If your pet had thumbs, what activity would you be most excited to do with them?

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March is Poison Prevention Month

March is Poison Prevention Month! Did you know that some of the foods we eat every day can actually be toxic to our pets, such as avocado, macadamia nuts, and even grapes? We encourage you to invest in some delicious, pet-safe treats and avoid feeding any table scraps to your pet, in order to avoid accidental poisoning. Use precaution, and give your pet a long, healthy life.