Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Pet of the Month

I swear if you looked up the words--Diva, Princess and Prima Donna up in the dictionary our dog, Chai's name would be right there next to the word.  She has everyone wrapped around her little paw here at home and at Great Bridge Veterinary Hospital. Her little face and that demeanor of entitlement just melt your heart.  She has been through some trying times in her short life as many at Great Bridge Vet can testify to (especially Doctor Harvey). Thanks to Doctor Harvey and Everyone at the hospital we hope to have this little girl for a very long time.  Chai is such a blessing there are no words to express how much we care for her and her unconditional love she gives every day. Doctor Harvey, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all that you have done for us and all you will do in the future, you have walked us through some events in Chai's life that I cannot even try to repay and you do it with a kind word and a reassuring presence. Thank you.  I can go on and on about our baby like so many of the people who have come to Great Bridge Vet with their "family members".  We love taking our walks every day to get our exercise and our house is so full of blankets and toys that you would swear I was running a daycare myself.  She runs our house and we would not have it any other way.  She is energetic when she wants to be and she lays next to you when she wants to relax, but she is not far from a family member.  Thank you Thank you Thank you to Amber, Stacy, Rebecca ( ladies who have been there from chai's beginning) and the rest of the ladies and gentlemen from daycare to medical and Jackie and Heather in grooming and Kim (thank you) too.  We love you all so much and thank you every day for Chai's health and well-being and your "human touch of kindness" too.

~Submitted by Chai's mommy on behalf of the Murphy Family with love and thanks

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