Wednesday, June 15, 2011


NAMIR is a seven year old Bengal male cat. His owner is Pamela, Licensed Veterinary Technician. Namir is an indoor cat and likes hunting and attacking his toys!  
Namir has recently had his teeth cleaned. During the cleaning the veterinarian noticed a few lesions on some of his teeth. These turned out to be resorptive lesions. The lesions are painful and would have caused many problems had they not been extracted. It is very important for his future dental health to monitor him for signs of difficulty chewing, suddenly missing teeth, or teeth whose gums look inflamed as these can signal another lesion.

In the interest of your pet’s optimum health, we are providing a dental care program to ensure your cat (and dog) will avoid common dental problems.  Residues often build up on the teeth of  many pets.  The rate at which this build up occurs depends on many factors, including the breed, jaw structure, type of food eaten, and dental home care by the owner.  Thus, some dogs and cats are more prone to this problem than others.  Never the less, well over half of the pet population is prone to develop tooth and gum disease by the time they are a few years old. 

The team at Great Bridge Veterinary Hospital is genuinely interested in maximizing the companionship you have with your pet by sensibly avoiding preventable health problems.  Here are some simple measures you can follow to keep their teeth in good condition.

1.  Visual Inspection:  First, check the mouth (some pets are a little head shy and this may take a little patience on your part).  Gently fold back the lips and look at the teeth and gums.  Ideally, the teeth should be ivory or light-tan colored and the teeth should be smooth and shiny.  The gums should be a nice pink color and free of any areas of localized redness or swelling.  If your pet has tartar or plaque build-up, you will notice it as tan or brownish debris accumulated on the teeth where they meet the gumline.  It is most noticeable on the “cheek teeth”, the larger teeth along the sides of the jaw.

2.  Foul Odor:  Pets with tartar or plaque build-up commonly have a foul odor to the breath.  This is from the effects of the bacteria feeding on the plaque that builds up on the teeth.  This infection can spread to the gums, causing irritation (gingivitis).  If you suspect any of the conditions noted above, it is best for your pet to have the teeth cleaned and treated.  Please call our hospital.  We will be happy to answer any questions you have.

3.  Time for the toothbrush!  Brushing your pet’s teeth?  Yes!  In many cases it will help.  Cats and dogs can benefit when you brush their teeth daily with an approved veterinary dentifrice (tooth cleansing solution).  Contact our hospital for recommendations on proper dental care for your pet.

 These tips are offered as a service to you, our valued client.  If you’d like to make an appointment for an examination and cleaning, please call.  Visit for more information.

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