Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pet of the Month-Winston

Winston is a wonderfully, wrinkly English Bulldog who lives up to his name which means “Joy Stone”. It’s hard not to be joyful around this lively little bulldog. Winston is quite a friendly fellow who immediately draws people to him with his charismatic swagger and his loving personality. Maybe people notice him because he’s an English Bulldog, and people don’t see bulldogs that often. Whatever the reason, people are attracted to him, so he makes new friends easily. He likes to meet people on walks in his neighborhood and visit friends in the community. Winston has some amazing friends and family. He’s fortunate to have others who care about him.

Winston is a wonderful companion creature. He illustrates that bulldogs make excellent pets for families, and that owning a dog can be really good for you. He certainly has made a difference in the life of his owners. Winston aspires to be a therapy dog because he already seems to be good therapy for his family and friends. 

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