Monday, August 8, 2011

National Assistance Dog Week

This week is National Assistance Dog Week and we are proud to honor Zephee! The primary objective of the Therapy Dog and han­dler is to provide comfort and companionship by sharing the dog with the patients in hospi­tals, nursing homes and other institutions and wherever else the Therapy Dog is needed. This is done in a way that increases emotional well-being, promotes healing, and improves the quality of life for the people being visited and the staff that cares for these people. A Therapy Dog is a dog with an outstanding temperament, tolerates other animals and gets along with other dogs, wants to visit with people, and loves children. “Zephee” regularly visits Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital in Norfolk, VA to spend time with special needs children and adults in the rehabilitation center. Also, she and her handler go to Cedar Road Elementary to read to the children and regularly attends other local community service events.

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