Thursday, August 25, 2011

When will we be able to go home?

This is where we belong, in our mommy’s arms or on a soft, fluffy bed. We get our nails done, regular brushing, and perfume galore!

We are spoiled little girls who get our way even though our mommy won’t admit it. We love her so much and the two of us have never been separated! There was one time mommy had to work all day. She dropped us off at grandma’s house but we did not feel like listening to her. She opened the door to get the mail and we ducked out just in time! She tried to catch us, but we are so fast! We chased squirrels, other dogs, people, the mailman… so much fun!

I guess we weren’t fast enough to outrun the dog catcher. We have been separated and told we may not be adopted out together. They keep saying, “Who will want two Chihuahuas who bark and growl at everyone?” They keep saying what bad girls we are because we keep growling, but we are just scared. This is not what we are used to and it’s a frightening place. We are alone now.

When will we be able to go home?

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